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15 Eggshell Results

order: Aepyornithiformes
Specimen Type: Shell Fragment
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 83289
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: N/A
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae; Medioolithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: Medioolithidae
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 78024
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments-Many
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Prismatic
Locality: / / / / / 81083
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: N/A
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Indet.
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: Ornithoid Ratite
Locality: / / / / / 83289
Locality Formation: DeBeque
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 226
Specimen Type: Shell Fragments
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Aepyornis
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: N/A
Locality: / / / / / 99004
Locality Formation: N/A
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 265
Specimen Type: Shell Fragment
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Aepyornis
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: N/A
Locality: / / / / / 99004
Locality Formation: N/A
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 265
Specimen Type: Shell Fragment
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Aepyornis
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: N/A
Locality: / / / / / 99004
Locality Formation: N/A
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 265
Specimen Type: Shell Fragment
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Aepyornis
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: N/A
Locality: / / / / / 2007197
Locality Formation: limestone
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: N/A
Specimen Type: N/A
Class: Aves
Order: Aepyornithiformes
Family: Aepyornithidae
Genus: Aepyornis
Species: indet.
Parataxon: N/A
Pore System: N/A
Morphotype: N/A
Locality: / / / / / 2007199
Locality Formation: N/A
Locality Member: N/A
Locality Age: 265
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